Tuesday 14 October 2014

Shot List

Film: Sarah

Shot (description of sound & action)
Shot size
  1. Sarah wakes up
High angle
  1. Sarah walking out the room
Medium long
Eye level
  1. Sarah walking downstairs
Medium long
Eye level
  1. Sarah walking towards the kitchen
High angle
  1. Sarah entering kitchen
Close up
Eye level
  1. Sarah noticing picture frame
 Close up
High angle
  1. Sarah picks up picture frame
Medium close up
Eye level
  1. Sarah places frame on counter and notices picture
Close up
High angle
Focus pull
  1. Sarah looks at picture
Close up/BCU
Eye level
  1.  Sarah picks up picture
Medium CU
High angle
  1.  Sarah’s reaction
 Close up
Eye level
  1.  Sarah hears a noise
Close up
Eye level
Focus pull
  1.  Sarah walks towards the noise
Medium Long
 Eye level
  1.  Sarah continues walking
Big close up
Eye level
  1.  Sarah hears another noise behind her
Close up
Eye level
Focus pull
  1.  She reaches for the door handle and the door slams shut
Close up
Eye level/Low
  1.  Sarah jumps in fear
Eye level
  1.  Sarah starts to hear whispers
Medium close up
Eye level
  1.  She runs to the front door in an attempt to escape
Medium long shot
Eye level
  1.  Sarah struggles to open the door
Extreme CU
High angle
  1.  Door won’t open/Sarah frustrated
Eye level
  1.  Sarah run into living room and grabs phone
Medium close up
Eye level
  1.  Sarah dials number
Extreme CU
High angle
  1.  Sarah places phone on ear
Medium shot
  1.  Sarah’s face as flashback triggers
Close up
Eye level
  1.  Friend bleeding whilst Sarah is screaming
Long shot
Eye level
Focus pull
  1.  Sarah drops phone (Flashback ended)
Close up
Eye level
  1.  Lights turn off
Eye level
  1.  TV turns on
Medium CU
Eye level/High angle
  1.  Figure walks behind Sarah
High angle/ Eye level
  1.  Sarah’s facial expression
Close up
Eye level
  1.  Sarah slowly turns her head
Medium and Close up
Eye level
  1.  Lights switch on and off (shot of light bulb)
Close up
Low angle
  1.  Sarah’s face as lights switch on and off
Medium CU
Eye level
  1.  Sarah’s face (other side)
Medium CU
High angle
  1.  Sarah is shaking (She’s on the floor)
Medium Long
High angle
  1.  Sarah runs towards light
Medium CU
Eye level
  1.  Sarah reaches light switch
Eye level
  1.  Sarah switches button
Extreme CU
Eye Level
  1.  Wide shot of Sarah continuing to switch button
Longshot/Medium Long
Eye level
  1.  Sarah runs towards TV remote
Low angle
  1.  She bends down to get it + Dead girl behind her
Medium Long
Low angle
  1.  Sarah pressing the Off button on remote
Extreme CU
High angle
  1.  Sarah moves closer to TV
Medium CU
High angle
  1.  Sarah watching TV
Over the shoulder
High angle
  1.  Sarah jumps back from TV
Medium CU
High angle
  1.  Wider shot of Sarah away from TV
Medium Long
Eye level
  1.  Sarah’s face as lights flicker
Close up
Eye level
  1.  Shadow zooms past Sarah as she looks the other way
Medium shot
Eye level
  1.  Second shadow zooms past as Sarah faces the other way
Medium shot
Eye level
  1.  Sarah’s face
Close up
Eye level
  1.  Sarah starts crawling backwards
High angle
  1.  Sarah is looking around (focus on her eyes)
Extreme CU
Eye level
  1.  Whispers start to get violent (Sarah’s head turning)
Close ups
High angle
  1.  Object gets knocked over
Medium CU
High angle
  1.  Sarah turns towards object
Medium CU/Close up
High angle
  1.  Blood dripping down from painting
Close up
Eye level
  1.  Blood continues to drip from painting
Medium CU
Eye level
  1.  Sarah backs up against a wall
Medium shot
High angle/Eye level
  1.  Sarah’s breathing becomes heavier (Facial expression)
Close up
Eye level
  1.  Whispers get louder as Sarah is looking (Focus on Eye – Side view)
Extreme CU
Eye level
  1.  Dead girl pops up as lights switch off and on
Medium shot
Low angle
  1.  Sarah shaking
Close up
High angle
  1.  Sarah shouting “Stop” several times
Big close up
Eye level/High angle
  1.  Sarah tries to stand up
Medium Long
High angle
  1.  Dead girl screams as Sarah fall back down
Medium CU
Eye level
  1.  Sarah shouts “What do you want?”
Medium close up
Eye level
  1.  Objects get thrown towards her
Medium shot
Eye level
  1.  Sarah screams “Stop”
Medium Long
High angle
  1.  Sarah raises her head as everything goes silent
Close up
Eye level
  1.  TV turns on
Over the shoulder – Long shot
Eye level
  1.  Sarah’s face
Medium CU
Low angle
  1.  Dead girl standing and watching
Medium shot
Eye level
  1.  Dead girl jumps from TV to the living room as lights turn off and then on
Long shot
Low angle
  1.  Sarah becomes extremely scared and screams
Vertigo shot (Close up)
Eye level
  1.  Sarah tries to run
Medium Long
Eye level
  1.  Sarah trips + Lights turn off
Medium CU
High angle
  1.  Sarah uses a lighter/torch to see
Medium Long
Eye level
  1.  Sarah shines light towards herself
Medium CU
Eye level
  1.  She hears nothing and takes a deep breath
Close up
Eye level
  1.  Dead girl pops out of the dark and screams as camera pans around Sarah
Medium shot
Eye level
  1.  Lights turn back on and there is complete silence
Long shot
High angle
  1.  Blood still dripping from picture
Medium CU
Eye level
  1.  Blood drop
Extreme CU
Eye level
  1.  Blood dripping as Dead girl walks into room under the stairs
Long shot
Eye level
Focus pull

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